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6 months ago

Extracurricular activities?

I'm a current junior, and I am seeking for some extracurricular activity ideas. My school dosen't have much science or health related clubs, and I am hesitant of making one. Getting an internship isn't easy in my city, I have tried already and have gotten rejected. So what should I do? There isn't really any volunteering in my area as well.


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3 answers

6 months ago

If you're looking for extracurriculars both online or in-person you could try

While these aren't clubs, they're volunteering you could try if that helps

6 months ago

If you want volunteer opportunities I'm part of two organizations that are entirely virtual.

1) Carbon Crew is a program focused on climate change and how we can help at an individual level. Depending on how much you do you get 10 - 40 volunteer hours.

2) Luv Michael is a program aimed to help autistic adults get hands on job experience and employable skills. They do this through their bakery which makes and sells granola. Again you get, I believe, 10 - 40 hours.

6 months ago

Personally, I would try joining clubs even if they aren't specific to the major I want. I think that if you've joined a few unrelated clubs first, maybe that'll help you build the confidence to try making one of your own! Something else you could try is creating a passion project, I've heard that is pretty good for college applications. You could also try learning new skills related to the career you want.

I'm not sure what exactly you're aiming to do, so I'll use myself as an example. Since I like computer science, I can make a a website or video game as a passion project, and use my free time to learn different coding languages. My extracurriculars aren't all very tech-focused, but they look good next to the skills and project I've done as well!

I feel that if you know there's no other options anyways, you should definitely step out of your comfort zone and try things you wouldn't usually do! Especially if you become a officer or if the club gives many service hour opportunities, it would be a good activity. Of course, I think you should go for creating your own club!! That would be super cool as well, though I know I would definitely hesitate as well trying that.

In general, try some random clubs, and aim to do some things on your own time! My final piece of advice would be to befriend someone at your school with similar career goals as you, and see what they've been doing for extracurriculars! I hope maybe what I've said has helped even just a little, and I genuinely hope you can figure all this out!! <3

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