8 days ago

my stats

hey! my dream school is nyu and ive been stressing about my chances recently, how can i raise my chances of getting in? here are my stats


- drama club (events coordinator, vice president)

- surfrider (member)

- black student union (representative, publicity)

- lifeguarding and swim instructing

- class committee

- tutoring


- i took 1 ap last year, taking 3 this year, and 3-4 next year

- my school doesn't offer many honors classes but in total i've taken 3

- 4 on my ap world history exam

- 3.8 gpa unweighted, 4.3 weighted


- i've been multiple leads in school musicals and shows

- have about 100 community service hours

i've been doing everything i can since freshman year and it still feels like it's not enough, any tips?

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7 days ago[edited]

Hello, as of right now my dream school is also NYU, unlike you though I am a senior, which means that I can not do that much to improve my chances. You have an amazing application already and to be honest it is somewhat comparable to a lot of seniors applying to large state schools right now. To get into a school like NYU it's very important to that diverse range of activities which I can tell you have. I would try to best to do all the things that you have been doing, and try to make that GPA just go up a little more. I would also try to get some awards and try to get a higher class rank. Other than that it's just up to the world to decide your future, keep working hard and I promise you, you'll be more than fine.

🎤4 days ago

okay, awesome! thank u so much for ur feedback, i wish u luck on all ur college endeavors!! :))


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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