3 years ago
Paying for College

What are some easy ways of getting scholarships?


I am a high school junior and i plan to attend college in the USA, but I know my family won’t be able to afford it. I would be very grateful if you could share some ways I could pay my tuition.

Thank you!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Ask Your School. No matter where you live or attend school, your first step when searching for scholarships should be your school's financial aid office. Most colleges offer scholarship programs specifically for international students attending the institution. Contact your university’s study abroad office, your professors, and your academic advisors to ask them about scholarships or grants that they may know of.

do your research! The more scholarships you can apply for, the more financial aid you will get. You can start by exploring GoAbroad’s Scholarships Directory! There are also a number of other resources, such as NAFSA, that compile lists of scholarships for study abroad students, but this list is not exhaustive and there are many different types of scholarships to study abroad that you should also explore.

Applicants should look for scholarships open to all students rather than just U.S. citizens and permanent residents, as well as carefully review requirements, such as test scores, essays and additional materials like videos or letters of recommendation.

If you find a scholarship for which you think that you may be eligible, contact the award administrator of that award. All the scholarships found in the InternationalStudent.com Scholarship search contain contact details of the award administrator.

3 years ago

Hi, I think you totally could go to school for very cheap. It really depends on your grades, but if you had decent grades and you find a school that you like, you could get a scholarship. I do know there are certain schools that give out really great academic scholarships even if your grades are not immaculate, also financial aide could totally help!

3 years ago

Yes you can get scholarships quite easily, it just takes some research. There are alot of scholarships out there and there is a good change you will land to a few. So just check with your eligibility and apply!

Some scholarship search engines you can start with:

1) Scholarship Owl - this website searches and filters scholarships depending on your GPA, the college you are applying to and also the major you want to get in.

2) JLV College Consulting - this is a blog actually but it provides a TON of scholarship information that are grouped into categories for you to apply for.

3) Internationalstudent.com - this website is GOLD! It gives you all the info you need about studying abroad and scholarship opportunities.

4) Goabroad scholarships - a list of scholarships that you can apply to based on where the uni is located

3 years ago

Sometimes you can receive scholarships based on the state that you live in. For example, in Florida we have something called the bright futures scholarship.

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