3 years ago
Paying for College

Scholarships entry for high school seniors

Hey, I wanted to know if there are any scholarships for high schools seniors that are open in the spring semester and summer. I feel like I was really stressed in the winter and fall semester and could not apply to any scholarships so I want to start now, but I am afraid I might be too late.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi, in addition to CollegeVine's drawings, there are still a ton of scholarships out there for the spring and summer. I am also a senior that has been searching and who hasn't had a chance to apply for scholarships back in the fall because I was so stressed over online school and applications for college, but now I've managed to surprisingly find a number of scholarship opportunities via services like Unigo and Scholarships.com. You may have to dig, but they're there!

Another option that I've found to be extremely convenient is Bold.org. There you make a profile that is where you put all the info about yourself like your extracurriculars, experience, interests, intended major, GPA, scores, etc. As you fill out your profile you get points which increases your chances of getting a scholarship and your profile also serves as your application for the many No-Essay scholarships on there. They have A TON of options with new scholarships coming out each week, and there's a wide range of types of scholarships.

Hope this helps and good luck!

3 years ago

There are a lot of Instagram accounts that you can follow to find out about scholarships! I recommend @bolddotorg @scholarcash @scholarship.savvy @accessscholarships @_growingwithgabby Hope this helps!

3 years ago

You can actually enter weekly scholarship drawings on CollegeVine! Check it out here: https://www.collegevine.com/scholarships

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