4 years ago
Paying for College

out-of-state tuition cost

After my first year of college, would I be eligible for in-state tuition costs? or will I have to pay as out-of-state every year?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
4 years ago[edited]

The vast majority of students who are not eligible for in-state tuition as a freshman will also not be eligible for in-state tuition in any other year of college. Residency requirements at most state schools depend on your permanent address, which—for most college students—is where their parents live. So unless your parents move to that state with you and officially change their residence, driver's licenses, voter registration info, etc., you're going to have to pay out-of-state tuition all four years.

The only exception is generally if you receive no parental support—monetary or otherwise, and are completely financially independent. In that case, most schools will allow you to fulfill their residency requirements after the first year, and in subsequent years you can pay in-state tuition rates. But again this requires that you receive no financial support from parents or guardians—no tuition payments, no rent or housing support (so you can't live with your parents), no health care costs etc. So this is really only an option for students who might be emancipated minors or otherwise financially support themselves, or older students who are already financially independent.

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