3 years ago
Paying for College

Paying for college

What’s the best strategy to come out debt free?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Start saving early, and apply to scholarships early.

Try to estimate how much money you would need per term or monthly to get an idea of how much you should be saving. If you can, start working in highschool. Any extra money you can get is great and if you earn it yourself you can use it freely for personal expenses as aid is strictly for tuition related costs and transportation. Most people think scholarships are only for seniors, this is not true at all, if fact their are tons of full ride scholarships for juniors only available. Just make sure you are only giving your information to legit ones as there are many scams out there. The dept comes from loads that schools usually include in aid packages. Try to apply to schools that 100% meet financial aid need of students with a low amount being loans and have lots of scholarships available.

3 years ago

Saving early on is definitely one thing you want to do if you want to come out of college with less debt or even debt free. Aim for the top percentile and top grades would more likely allow you to access a variety of scholarships, and researching different opportunities to make money in college would also help. Additionally, you can go to a community college and transfer to a 4-year college to lower the costs. Most importantly, know your financial resources and do full research to maximize your grants and scholarship.

3 years ago

Sometimes going to a large school where you are in a high percentile can earn you full tuition scholarships! Hope that helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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