3 years ago
Paying for College

Money and College

I'm 15 (about to turn 16 in October) my mom won't let me get a job during the school year, but possibly during the summer. She makes statements like "You better get a scholarship", which I interpret as "You need to pay for college". I guess my question is do you have any tips for me in case I do need to put myself through college, as well as money management tips?

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Try to talk to her seriously. Make a power point even if needed. Tell her straight, if your aren't going to help me pay for college let me help myself. Even if it's something like babysitting where you don't have to leave your house or someone else's. Try asking relatives if you can for odd jobs for them.

As for money management I separate my money into spending money and saving I don't touch. If I need to save up for something I will start that separately too. How much you add to each depends on how much money you get and what you need to spend on. I really only buy makeup and skincare that are essentials and I run out of them about once every two months. I portion my money in say if I make $20 dollars I would save $5 if I know my cousins birthday is coming up so I can budget for that. If I no I don't need anything I would save half. I know I worded this confusingly but I hope it gives you some ideas.

3 years ago

I think you should save half the money you get and invest them in shares (so that your money can grow). There is also a website that gives you scholarship money as long as you get good grades and attend extracurricular activities (I've listed it down below). These work for international students as well:

NSHSS - you put in your grades and write an essay and they choose a winner. There are lots of competitions there, so if you don't win one there is always another (:

Raise.me - If your current high school is on their list you can earn scholarship money by getting good grades and attending extracurricular, no essays or competitions. As long as your high schools on their list you can sign up and earn money which they will send to the college of your choice when you get accepted.

I hope this helped (:

2 years ago

Thanks for post

3 years ago

tell her that getting a scholarship is super difficult!!! u need to get a job if she cant help u with the tuition!

3 years ago

I am in the same boat as you, unfortunately. So what I am doing is trying my hardest to focus on school since I can't work anywhere. And during my free time at school, I am signing up for scholarships left and right. Make sure you save any junk change. It kind of gives you peace of mind. I say just be responsible and try your hardest. There is only so much we can do as 15 yr olds :)

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