3 years ago
Paying for College

where can I find scholarships??

I get good grades I have a 3.50 GPA

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2 answers

3 years ago

Hey there!

You can find general scholarships on websites like Niche, Scholarshps.com, and Unigo. If you are an international student, I would also recommend Internationalscholarships.com and MPOWER.

However, there are many specific scholarships on college websites. You can search for "Scholarships"(both merit-based and need-based) or "Financial Aid". This will probably give you all the answers but in case it doesn't, you can always send an email to the Admissions Office!

Best of luck :)

3 years ago

Some places to look for local scholarships include:

- Civic organizations, such as the Rotary Club, Lions Club, etc.

- Your church, mosque, synagogue, or place of worship

- Community groups, such as the YMCA

- Ethnicity-based organizations

- Your local library or local small businesses

- Organizations related to your intended major

- Your city or town

- Your school district

- Unions, such as SEIU, the Teamsters, CWA, etc.

- Your employer or your parents’ employers

- Banks, credit unions, and local financial institutions

Apply for local scholarships with small dollar amounts. Local scholarships may be more tailored to your community, background, and activities, so they’re likely more relevant to you. Fewer students apply for these scholarships, so you have less competition and a higher chance of success.

Choose scholarships with missions and essay topics that match your background, experiences, and interests. If the scholarship topic is meaningful to you, it will be easier for you to write an authentic and compelling essay.

Here's a quick overview of scholarships, how to organize your scholarship applications, and how to write a great scholarship essay. https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/scholarship-essay/

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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