I recently submitted my FAFSA form on October 2nd, and saw that my application was approved. I had three spots left to add more colleges (which I did), and just added those today! The problem is I have four more school's to add for FAFSA. Once I get the 2nd confirmation of my application after the changes I did today, should I just delete four school's that have already received my FAFSA information and add the remaining four?
Remove some of the colleges listed on your FASFA form, add the school codes for the new colleges, and submit the corrections for processing.
Call the federal student aid information center to add the colleges for you. When you call, you must provide the data Release Number (DRN) from your SAR or "Confirmation" page.
If you have a paper SAR, you can replace the colleges listed o the SAR with other colleges and mail the SAE back to them.
You could always resubmit the fasfa application to add those schools but the limit will always be 10 so as you said you should probably remove 4 to get information about the other 4.
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