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10 months ago
Paying for College

Searching for Scholarships and Grants

I'm currently a Junior in high school and I wanted some advice on how to go about the scholarship process. I don't have much help from my parents in this area and we are low-income. I'm honestly looking for suggestions on where to start because it's causing a lot of worry for me.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
10 months ago

If you are low-income, you will likely qualify for some financial aid (you will fill out the FASFA in senior year).

Check out Fastweb,, ScholarshipOwl, Scholarships360, Collegexpress, and other scholarship websites. My two tips: 1) Choose scholarships that require some work on your part. The one-click wonder no-essay scholarships are entered by everyone. You have a better chance of winning if you enter ones requiring essays, projects, pictures, even GPAs or transcripts. 2) Choose scholarships that fit your interest, talent, etc. There are specific scholarships for students interested in that field or a hobby. Some of the websites I just recommended (like Fastweb) take all your preferences, interests, and goals and then suggests related scholarships. Other times you have to search for them yourself. But it is worth it. Entering scholarships that are related to your interests/hobbies/majors/talents gives you an advantage. AND it becomes fun, not a burden! Just share your passion and it will go places.

Many colleges offer merit scholarships. Based on your GPA, EC's, and transcript, they may offer you a larger merit scholarship. This is where applying to colleges that may be target or safety schools is a great idea. If your stats are above the school's average, they will offer you more money to attend their school (it raises their stats and looks great for the college). Also, don't give up on scholarships. Even after you graduate high school. All of the websites I suggested have scholarships for college students, and colleges have small scholarships you can enter during your time there. Just keep at it and you will see results!

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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