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9 months ago
Paying for College

Is it okay if my scholarship essay doesn't end up reflecting me later in life?

I'm writing an essay about my life dreams. Currently, I would love to join the cancer research movement, but I'm also afraid that this may change in the future. I'm writing my scholarship essay about it, but if it turns out that my dreams change, is that okay? Should I avoid writing about it altogether?

@Plan-to-Plan9 months ago

It's alright if your dreams change in the future. Ultimately, colleges want to know more about who you are and what you want for your future. If something changes, It's always okay to go back and change it to be who you are in the future. :) Be excited, and do your best!

@klittleton20058 months ago

Adding on to this, any college worth their salt doesn't expect you to remain the same, static person the entire time you're there. People change majors all the time; someone not following the exact path they laid out in a scholarship essay isn't going to be shocking or new to them. The essays are more to get a feel for your passions, ambitions, and work ethic.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
9 months ago

It's alright if your dreams change in the future. Ultimately, colleges want to know more about who you are and what you want for your future. If something changes, It's always okay to go back and change it to be who you are in the future. :) Be excited, and do your best!

9 months ago

I personally think it's ok...we are young people and young people are by no means obligated to make up their mind once and for all what we want to do. That's why so many people change majors or transfer from colleges.

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