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8 months ago
Paying for College

Divorced Parents + College Net Cost

Hi there, I'm a junior in high school looking for the next steps when it comes to college and the cost. My parents have stated they will not help pay, so I'm trying to figure out net costs and FAFSA based off their salaries. However, my parents are divorced. I split time between my parents 50/50, and am unsure how to go about finding net costs for college based off of the salaries.

Thank you to anyone who can help. :)

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Accepted Answer
8 months ago

Hey there,

I wasn't sure, so I used Ivy assistant. Here's what I got:

"It's great that your friend is already thinking about college costs and financial aid. When it comes to the FAFSA and divorced parents, the application typically requires information from only one parent. This is usually the parent with whom the student has spent the most time during the 12 months preceding the date of the FAFSA submission. Since your friend splits time between both parents, they should determine which parent provided more financial support during that period and use that parent's information on the FAFSA.

To help your friend estimate the net costs for college, they can use the net price calculators available on most college websites. These calculators take into account factors such as parental income, assets, and family size to provide an estimate of the financial aid package and the remaining cost of attendance.

Do you have any other questions or concerns about the financial aid process that I can help with?

Me: Can you give more tips for my friend?

Certainly! Here are some additional tips for your friend as they navigate the college application and financial aid processes:

Research scholarships: Encourage your friend to search for and apply to scholarships both locally and nationally. Many organizations, foundations, and companies offer scholarships based on various criteria, such as academic achievement, community involvement, or specific interests.

Consider work-study programs: Work-study is a federal program that provides part-time jobs for students with financial need. It can help your friend earn money to pay for college expenses while gaining valuable work experience.

Explore affordable college options: Encourage your friend to consider attending a community college or in-state public university, as these options often have lower tuition rates.

Stay organized: Applying to college and seeking financial aid can be overwhelming, so it's important for your friend to stay organized. They should keep track of important deadlines, requirements, and documents needed for each application.

Reach out to the financial aid office: Your friend should not hesitate to contact the financial aid offices of the colleges they're interested in. These offices can provide guidance on financial aid options and help answer any questions.

Complete the CSS Profile: In addition to the FAFSA, some colleges require the CSS Profile for financial aid consideration. Your friend should check if any of their prospective colleges require it and complete it accordingly.

Apply to multiple colleges: Encourage your friend to apply to a range of colleges, from safety to reach schools, to maximize their chances of receiving a good financial aid package."

Hope this is helpful. Please lmk if you have any additional questions.

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