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6 months ago
Paying for College

How can I get in state fees for SC since my parents live here and pay taxes but I am on a J2 visa

How can I get in-state fees or scholarships or grants while on a J2 visa here? I have been here almost 3 years

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@Jael_S2386 months ago

So, are your parents citizens?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
6 months ago

Here's what I found:

"Yes, a student on a J-2 visa can qualify for in-state tuition fees, but it depends on the specific policies of the state and the institution they are applying to. Generally, in-state tuition eligibility is based on residency requirements, which can vary widely.

Here are some key points to consider:

Residency Requirements: Some states have specific residency requirements that must be met to qualify for in-state tuition. This often includes living in the state for a certain period and demonstrating intent to remain in the state.

Tuition Waivers: Some states and institutions offer tuition waivers or scholarships that can help J-2 visa holders qualify for in-state tuition rates.

Institution Policies: Each institution may have its own policies regarding in-state tuition eligibility for J-2 visa holders. It’s important to check with the specific college or university for their requirements.

Advisors: Consulting with an international student advisor at the institution can provide guidance on the best course of action and any potential benefits of changing to a different visa status."

Hope this helps! I believe your best course of action is to reach out to the admissions counselor designated for international students at the universities you are considering.

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