3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Do universities care about dual enrollment courses?

The school I've been working to get into is the University of Michigan- a very good and very difficult school to be admitted to. Based on CollegeVine stats, my GPA and extracurriculars are both above average.... but my course load is lacking. I've been trying to take the best mix of classes I'm able to. By the time I graduate next year, I will have 3 AP classes (one taken with a 5 on the exam so far), 4 accelerated courses, and 7 dual enrollment courses at a college near me. I opted to take more of these dual enrollment classes than a couple more AP classes that were available to me. Was that a mistake? As well, I could not fit another AP class my senior year because to get highest honors at my high school, I have to take a 4th science credit (I'm doing forensic science!). Do you think colleges value dual enrollment classes?

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2 answers

3 years ago

I think it all depends on which college it is! I have many dual enrollment courses listed on mine and almost all the schools I've compared say that my course load is very good. Try comparing it to a slightly lower level school, and see if it changes.

3 years ago

I'm sure it'll be fine. Since your GPA and extracurriculars are above average I bet it will compensate for your course load. Extracurriculars are more important than courseload especially because you already have a good course load! Colleges definitely do value dual enrollment, all they really wanna see is that you took vigorous classes. This means that dual enrollment is much harder than regular classes so yes, they do value dual enrollment. I wouldn't worry much because you said you couldn't fit another AP. :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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