3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Colleges for specific vet route?

I want to be a vet. What colleges are have good for bio/zoology/wildlife bio majors? I don't care if they have a vet school too, just if they would be a fit for the path I would like to take. I would like to go to a school where I can be around wildlife or have easy access/more opportunities to finding internships that work with animals. Any suggestions?


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2 answers

3 years ago

I mostly know about New England schools, so I'm curious what others think

Northeastern University - has a strong biology program that prepares you for veterinary school. I knew someone that went there and did a co-op at the Franklin Park Zoo. You didn't mention marine bio, but their Three Seas program sounds really cool! You basically spend a year studying in New England, Panama, and the Pacific Coast in their labs and go scuba diving.

UMass Amherst - They have a research and education farm, and a specific pre-vet program. They have some sort of partnership with Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine that might be worth researching if interested.

That's kind of all I know though, hope it helps!

3 years ago

I was super interested in wildlife veterinary medicine and wildlife bio, so I would recommend the following:

Tufts University has a super cool wildlife center and you can apply to their vet school in your sophomore year to reduce stress towards the end of college and really enjoy life some more.

UC Davis has great zoology programs.

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