3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Which career path?

Good afternoon! I am currently a freshmen and I absolutely love math which is something I want to keep on perusing later on in college...I was wondering what careers would be recommended for a math major? Also I was kinda lookin into being a lawyer but I’m not quite sure what majors I have to have. Moreover if you would be so kind to advice me to some colleges that would either tie with mathematics or the perks of being a lawyer I would love to know, thankyou for your time!

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2 answers

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3 years ago

I have friends who are really into math and I did a bunch of ECs in highschool too... Highly recommend doing math leauge, entering math comps, and starting math honors society since all that stuff is a lot easier than it sounds and gives you a ton to put on your college applications!

If you are really in theoretical stuff, you'll likely end up as a professor or teacher since there isn't a ton of industry work with that. Otherwise, adjacent STEM fields that go with math are statistics, comp sci, chemistry, and engineering... Personally, I found classes like AP Stats to be really lethargic in HS, since they are really nit-picky with notation and stuff. That being said actuaries are a growing position relevant in a lot of careers today if you're into more of a business side of things. Join DECA if you are interested in that! If you're more a think-outside-the-box person, you'll love calculus, comp-sci, and physics although not all teachers explain those so well! You can also apply to universities for applied math, as that is something I hear is exceeding popular these days... Engineering is really flexible, but I've heard from a lot of them that they do a lot of writing and administrative work so beware!

I'll leave law stuff up to other experts... there's lots of cool stuff to do there....

But I'll note, if being a lawyer doesn't work out, a lot of forensic science jobs work closely with law professionals and assist in a lot of legal strategizing during court cases. Still, completely different from going to law school though.

3 years ago[edited]

Generally, becoming a lawyer requires a total of seven years of schooling. The first four are for your undergrad education (bachelors degree) and the next three are for your Juris Doctor (J.D.), which is a law degree. Applying to law school is a separate application from applying to the undergrad degree program, meaning that it is possible (and common) to earn your J.D. from a different university than you earn your undergraduate degree. In addition, it is worth noting that not all universities have law schools that offer a J.D., so in some cases, it may not be possible to earn both your bachelors and J.D. from the same institution.

Most law schools do not require that you have a specific undergraduate degree. As such, you could earn your undergraduate degree in mathematics and then pursue a J.D. (either from the same university or a different university). That being said, some law schools do recommend pursuing an undergraduate degree in one of the liberal arts (instead of in STEM). For example, degrees like political science, psychology, or public policy may better prepare you for a J.D. program at select institutions.

Within the field of mathematics, there are also many "sub specialities" such as differential mathematics, discrete mathematics, and statistics. In addition, there are several other fields that are math intensive (that do not require math majors), such as physics, computational physics, engineering, computer science, data science, and even business administration.

As another note, law school usually prepares you to pass the bar exam (required to legally practice law) in a specific state. For example, a law school based in Tennessee would prepare students to pass the Tennessee bar exam. Because of this, it is common to attend law school in the state in which you intend to practice. Often times, there are only a handful of law schools in a particular state. If you want to purse your undergrad and J.D. from the same institution, this can help you limit your choices to a handful of schools.

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