4 years ago
School List Suggestions

Interested in larger student population schools with a good business program. Any suggestions?

3.3 Gpa

many extracurriculars

Baseball prospect

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@Enthusedwriter4 years ago

Hey there! You should try Northeastern. They have a great co-op program so that you would be able to earn money while in school, access to great internships that would give you valuable business career oriented skills, and have a large population of students. :)

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6 answers

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4 years ago

To add on to @benny, my approach would be to start with the rankings for undergrad business programs, and anything else you'd seriously consider majoring in. Also look at lists of schools with other characteristics which you like, ex. schools with the greatest percent of students doing internships, or something like that. From there, eliminate schools with too small a student body, and look into schools that show up on multiple such lists. I used an Excel spreadsheet, and though it got messy after a while, I certainly found schools I liked.

4 years ago

I would suggest Indiana University- Bloomington. Kelly School, good school for business!

3 years ago

I'm not sure if there are any specific regions that you prefer or cost limitations, but I would definitely look into these schools:

Arizona State University-Tempe

University of Indiana-Bloomington (They have rolling admissions, so you'll know if you got in within a month or a couple weeks)

Baylor University

Ohio State University-Columbus

Penn State

3 years ago

This is a little hard to narrow down without knowing what regions you're targeting and what schools might recruit your for baseball. In general, the flagship public universities in each state have legitimate business schools. Be careful how these programs work, though. At some universities, high school seniors can apply into the undergraduate business school directly. At others, however, you'll have to wait until you're a freshman in college to apply. In the latter case, acceptance to the business school is not guaranteed. Some business schools don't offer undergraduate degrees at all (but they may offer minors or certificate programs to undergraduate students).

Another thing to remember is that pursuing an undergraduate business education isn't the only way to ultimately find success in business. Many students interested in business choose to pursue undergraduate pathways in economics, statistics, other quantitative fields, or even in the humanities and social sciences and still go on to find huge career success. If you take this route, you may ultimately have to do an MBA down the road, of course, but that is certainly not the end of the world and can often lead to even better compensation after you'd finished the degree.

4 years ago

Great Job on your GPA :)

Here is a link https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/business-marketing

Hope this helps.

3 years ago

I'm a softball prospect and am currently looking at low D1-high D2 schools like San Fran State, Georgetown, Seattle U, and Amherst. Hope that helps!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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