3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Advice for choosing between Science/Engineering?

I am a junior interested in a wide variety of science and engineering subjects, ranging from biology and chemistry to agricultural sciences to math, physics, and computer science. Though most universities separate science and engineering programs, I want to tie down my interests before committing to anything, and I'm apprehensive about potentially having to transfer from less competitive Arts and Sciences schools to more competitive Engineering schools.

So, I am primarily considering schools that are strong in science, engineering, and agricultural sciences and have fluidity between schools, and I plan on applying to the engineering school of each university. Is this a reasonable approach? More broadly, how should I deal with the fact that I don't know whether I want to pursue science or engineering?

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4 answers

3 years ago

I was facing the same predicament as you when I was a junior and still am while waiting for my results as a senior. If you are worried about engineering or sciences, I think that engineering is easier to get a job than a normal science degree except for certain sciences like physics. It's fine to get any science degree though if you plan to be a science teacher but I don't think that is the case for you. If you are worried about choosing a major when applying, know that you definitely can change your major whenever you want in college. College is meant to be a place for you to really discover your interest I think. Transferring to a different major might be hard but if you don't slack off in college like not working on your college resume as much as you have on your high school resume, then you should be fine. Yeah, I agree with your approach to choosing your schools. If you are really set on STEM, you shouldn't like try to get into a humanities focused college unless you really want that type of college experience. Like I said before, you can apply to engineering now and can always switch out later. You have time to understand your passion in college. Don't overstress. I hope my answer helped but if not then hopefully someone else can provide a better response.

3 years ago

Here are three links:




My advice to you would be to think of what occupations you would like to pursue in the future. And chose your degree-based upon that. Another option for you would be is it look at possibly double majoring in science and engineering.

3 years ago

Yes, you should definitely research and apply to schools that are the best for what you want to study. Also if you major in a certain science that doesn’t mean you can’t minor in engineering or major in engineering and minor in a science. You can also double major. There’s no reason why you can’t pursue an education in both.

3 years ago

I would recommend that you choose a general science major like physics or any physical science and then specialize by choosing classes. You can pick any class, even if it's not required by your major. I'm planning in majoring in neuropsychology while specializing in behavioral neuroscience and behavioral analysis. I also plan to take dance classes because it's a passion of mine. As long as you complete the courses required by your major and school, you can take any class that you want! My friend who goes to NCCU recommends that you pick a general, employable major, and minor or even double major in what you plan on specializing in. Hope this helps and good luck!

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