3 years ago
School List Suggestions

What are good schools in Wisconsin?

I do not know of many good ones at the moment.

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3 years ago

There’s tons of good schools across the state, depending on major I know there’s a little bit of everything at UW Madison for sure :)


3 years ago[edited]


Sorry for the original typo. Don't know of too many WI schools

3 years ago

You know MI=/=

3 years ago

Author asked fir Wisconsin not Michigan. Excuse my typo above it’s not letting me edit it


3 years ago

I believe the best school would be UW Milwaukee Marquette.... Hope it helps! I had a friend attend there so I believe it would be nice, but it is best to choose schools based on your specific major interest...


3 years ago

So notable ones are UW Madison MSOE UW Eau Claire UW Milwakuee Marquette and here the full list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Wisconsin


2 years ago

University of Wisconsin whitewater is one I’m looking at. It’s a nice size and in a midsize town. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee is nice to and has some great perks including all suite dorms. My cousin goes to Carrol University in Waukesha which is a small but nice school.


3 years ago[edited]

UW Madison is the cream of the crop and is spread out throughout the city, and a great value education for in state kids (~Top 30/40 in World) Its a big school with probably the most diversity and recognition out of the state

Lawrence University is ranked well as a liberal arts college, but very expensive in Appleton (WI), which feel very much like suburbia outside a 1-mile radius of campus... They have beautiful buildings but the city's downtown area itself is pretty meh and mostly just bars (nothing fun)

UW Oshkosh has great sports teams for D3 and is nice, maybe not super special though in academics tho and a little lacking in the area too

UW Whitewater is like UW Oshkosh, just probably a little smaller with Campus but overall closer to the two big cities... They have lots of little shops and eateries in the surrounding area which not a lot of UW Campuses have

UW Greenbay is tucked away from downtown stuff and Lambeau, but actually one of my favorite UW Campuses as its secluded, woodsy, and kind of feels more modern

Carthage is a catholic school on the lakeshore of Southern WI, and I have a friend who got a full ride with a 36 on the ACT

Milwaukee is good for tech students from those I know and I think film (but that could be wrong)

Marquette has good sports teams, and is a private school... I've never been tho

If you are a WI kid, note that you can attend MN colleges at the price of their in-state tuition too, as many of my friends are going to St. Olafs(NE MN - Catholic) or Twin Cities (E MN -Minneapolis) at good prices


3 years ago

UW Madison is a really good community and U of Milwaukee I've heard is also very good, hope this helps!


3 years ago

Like elena said, US news is a great site for finding colleges. I would also recommend Niche, because it has a bunch of filters and rankings for different states and majors. It depends on what major you want and what type of college you're looking for (public/private, rural/urban, etc.), but University of Wisconsin, Marquette University, and Lawrence University rank pretty high! Good luck!


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