3 years ago
School List Suggestions

What are some VERY VERY CHEAP 4 year Colleges for out of state students

I am looking for a:

- Test-Optional

- Open Admission

-CHEAP 4 year College

-PUBLIC College

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3 years ago

Depending on what region you're located, there are many colleges with cheap tuition for out of state students. For example: Eastern Illinois University, University of Main at Fort Kent, and many others... for more information on colleges with cheap tuition, you can click on the link below to get more options.

Link: https://www.edsmart.org/cheapest-out-of-state-tuition-colleges/


3 years ago

One thing that I would consider that will save you a lot of money is attending community college first and then transferring. I am in community college now and am transferring next year, it has saved me so much money. I have been offered scholarships and have better chances at getting into harder schools than I did if I applied when I was in HS. It is definitely worth considering! A lot of CCs have guaranteed transfer courses that are the same "quality" as a 4-year university.

3 years ago

Some CCs partner with state schools where if you get X GPA in CC you are garunteed admittence to the state school. Other schools notably the state of Washington all public universities and public run CC have the same exact courses (which is really good) so there’s no hassle in transferring credits. You could also look at some online programs.


3 years ago

Luckily, there are a lot of colleges that could work for you! I would check out USA Today's college rankings, because they let you filter by cost, public/private, location, etc. Also, keep in mind what major you might want and maybe what part of the country you'd like to be in. Do you like cities or rural places? Stuff like that. Here's a ranking of public schools from cheapest to most expensive: https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities?_sort=tuition&_sortDirection=asc. Plus, like MiaT said, some colleges will be cheaper if you're in the same region even if you're out of state. Good luck!


3 years ago[edited]

I can only speak for New York as I live there and I don't really know many cheap colleges outside of New York. If you consider 18600 dollars a year little, then CUNYs might be a choice but I know that for some, that is a lot. Sorry that I can't be of more help.


3 years ago

If you are from the Midwest, there are some schools that give reduce tuition rates for out of state students. (look up the Midwest Student Exchange Program, or MSEP)


3 years ago

Ive been looking for the same thing! So far West Texas A and M has looked great to me, not sure if its test optional though.


🎤3 years ago

@Mukiki@MiaT I live in Northeast Ohio

3 years ago


My OHIO BROTHER! Lol. I'm ready to get out of this state as well. I'm also looking for schools with average out-of-state tuition. Florida State and The University of South Florida have caught my eye. You have to read between the lines to find schools with low out-of-state tuition.


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