3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Best public colleges for pre-med

Which California public colleges are best for pre-med?

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3 years ago

the UC schools are good

(Berekely, Los Angeles, Irvine, Davis, San Diego are ideal for pre-med since they offer a lot of sciences)


3 years ago

UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, UC Santa Barbara, and UC San Diego are a few of good California public colleges good for pre-med.


3 years ago[edited]

Hi, I hope I'm not too late! UC schools are generally better because they offer more research opportunities than CSUs, allowing you to have more opportunities to public more papers and have better ECs when you apply to med school. However, if you are aiming for top med schools such as Harvard, Stanford, etc. I would suggest UC Berkeley or UCLA and getting closest to a 4.0. Top med schools generally do not really pick students from CSUs because they have less research and ecs compared to "top" UCs such as UC Berkeley/UCLA. CSUs generally tend to be more learning based, and most of the professors will offer you a lot of help. Because of how large UC classes are, they tend to be more TA led and a "do it yourself" vibe. I hope this helps!

Edit: I would also like to add that I know a lot of doctors who didn't go to prestigious med schools, and they still did got jobs at places such as Stanford Hospital. So in all sincerity, I would just choose the best California public college which you like the most.


3 years ago

While I am not quite knowledgeable about California's public colleges, I did a simple google search and found an excellent source for you to check out. (https://www.shemmassianconsulting.com/blog/best-pre-med-schools-in-california#part-2-what-are-the-best-premed-schools-in-california)

🎤3 years ago

Thank you, everyone. This is very helpful!


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