3 years ago
School List Suggestions

please help me with my school list!

hiii I am a junior and I'm applying for US colleges this fall as an international student. I am not considering applying for financial aid but I will apply for scholarship programs.

I feel like all my schools are reach schools and I don't really know what match schools can be. some people say I chose safety schools that are too safe....(lmao)

my schools range from UChicago to BC/UCSD/OSU. I don't have the resources to take AP classes and I don't have a lot of activities. my stats are okay tho. I got 115+/120 in TOEFL, 1500 in SAT, 3/4 5s in AP classes that I self-studied. my academic interests are religious study, philosophy, and the ME study.


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4 answers

3 years ago

Your academics so far are outstanding! Since you are an international student, a lot of colleges will certainly consider your application to include diversity throughout their school. Based on your scores, your options seem to be unlimited. Like what @Annafrodo asked, what is your GPA? What are your aspirations? What do you want to major in? Student-Body size? Any location preferences? Please let me know, so I can further assist you!

3 years ago

@rgzz , your stats sound really good! I am a junior too and will also be applying to many colleges this year. I would say that it is good to be well rounded so even if you don't have a lot of activities, try to get involved in some sort of community service activity or volunteer for an organization near you. It does not have to be something like raising hundreds of dollars and donating it somewhere. nope! Just try to mention a few extracurriculars as well, it helps a lot in admissions! Based on your SAT score and your 97 over GPA, I think you will be on track to be accepted to most colleges and even the more selective ones around 20-30% acceptance rate. I also recommend that when doing your application essays, try to mention how you do not have the resources to take those AP classes but you still tried to challenge yourself in higher level education by self studying and taking the exams. Definitely do a lot of research on the schools for your list and make sure that it is the right one for you based on your personal preferences. I also recommend applying to BU (im applying there too because its a great school! And my stats are not as great as yours haha. :) You have the stats! Good luck!

3 years ago

Try to look up Colgate University, Skidmore College, Amherst College, Dartmouth.

3 years ago


May I ask what your gpa is?

There are more colleges and universities in the US than I can count, so helping you with your college list is hard without more information.

What are you looking for in regards to student body size, location, financial situation etc?

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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