3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Baruch College

anybody going to Baruch College? i'm thinking of applying and wanna know what it's like

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3 years ago

Baruch College, like other CUNYS are great schools, especially if you're admitted to the Macaulay Honors Program which gives you a free ride, or the Sophie Davis Program which is a 7-year med program. From my own experience as someone who has lived in NYC all her life, Baruch is a great school for business. It has other liberal arts majors as well. My suggestion is to research more about which major you are considering and look into the rest of the CUNY schools. For example, City College is great for any form of engineering. I hope this helps!


3 years ago[edited]

My cousin lives in NYC and I asked him what it was like. In general, he said it's a great school, especially for the cost. He said it's in the middle of downtown, so it could be overwhelming for someone not from there. Because it's downtown, there's not much of a campus feel, and it's spread out. There are dorms, but it's more of a commuter school. He said Hunter is the same price and a better school for certain things. If you're looking at med school, Sophie Davis is also great. It's a combined 7-year program. Hope that helps!


3 years ago

I don't know much about the college but you could try looking on here under college fairs to if there are any events by the school students explaining how life on campus is. You could also try the schools website and see if they have any.


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