3 years ago
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what is a good gpa for a freshman in high school?


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3 years ago[edited]

If your classes are weighed, you should try to aim for high 90s in your classes because ultimately even a 5% boost to a high 90 will land you with a 100+ average in the course. (This is pretty beneficial to your GPA because the more classes that are higher, obviously your GPA will increase)

If your school runs on a 4.0 scale, I'm not quite sure what is considered a good GPA. However, given that freshman year isn't really too stressful (as compared to that of junior year; all those apps & studying for SATs can really get to you), try your best to maintain a high GPA in freshman year! At least 95+, it might be difficult, but you will most likely thank yourself in the future for it.

(I was a tryhard and got 100+ for freshman year, but then in sophomore year I was hit with my first AP class, so my GPA, therefore, took a little dive)

I promise it really helps out your cumulative average as you approach more difficult years such as Junior year or even Senior year.

3 years ago

I agree- I wish I could have kept my GPA up a little higher as an underclassman.

A little advice I would give is to find out the pattern of the class early. Most of the classes that I got B's in were ones I couldn't keep up with and kept trying to get by without really changing what I was doing.

For example, math has always been a little easier for me, but once I got into Algebra 2, it took me the whole first semester to realize that I really needed to study for tests and stop expecting myself to do better on the next one without doing anything. Once I realized the pattern, I got an A the next semester. Same thing with other classes: figure out how tests and HW weigh into your grade, how to manage your time, and what's not working for you and how to fix it early on. Don't let the learning curve bring your GPA down!! Best of luck :)


3 years ago

I would aim for a 3.5 or higher! This can get you on a lot of honor rolls for high school and possibly boost your chances of being inducted into something like the National Honor Society, a program that recognizes good academic standing while also providing some good information for your college resume! Hope this helps :)


3 years ago

Freshman GPA is not what colleges are going to be looking at most critically. I think you should aim for anything above 3.5 to give you something to build onto your sophomore and junior year.


3 years ago

For a freshman in high school, I would aim for anything above a 3.5. This would put you above average, while still giving you room to improve by the next couple of semesters. If you are not doing many extracurriculars in freshman year like sports or a club, I would aim higher since you would have more time on your hands! Hope this helped!

🎤3 years ago

thank you!

🎤3 years ago

1st semester i finished with an 89 exactly and right now i have a 97.6 gpa for semester 2 and overall for the year it looks like i will have a 93.3


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