3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Advice on smallish college towns

I'm looking at some schools in smallish towns and as a big city-er for my entire life and as a fan of the big city environment with the restaurants and city life; my question is would the adjustment be a significant hurdle?

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3 years ago

Hi DebaterMAX! I live in (and grew up) a small town (10,000 people) that has a small liberal arts college in it (7000 students).

I've also spent time in places like Munich, New York City, and Boston. The lifestyles are really different. If you crave trying new things like you would find in a big city, a small town might be a challenging adjustment. Our college tries to provide lots of diversity and the town works toward being progressive, but in the end it does not compare to the many different opportunities in a big city. Students at our college usually have a car and travel into the city nearby (~20 minute drive) to have fun. I would suggest that you want to look at colleges that are close to the size of city you are looking for so you can get the best of both worlds, the small school attention to each student and the big city variety. I hope this helps you.


3 years ago

Not necessarily, I'm a junior right now that has lived in a small town but I'm close to cities like Milwaukee and Chicago. Going to a small school isn't a bad thing in my opinion if you can find one that you like that's small and close to a big city, I say why not. There will definitely be a mind shift but you will still be close to a big city. It will be nostalgic going into the city and living the life you use to have. I say go for it, going small make take off some stress or may add some unfortunately but don't let anyone push you. Its your decision.


3 years ago

It might be a little bit boring. As someone who lives in a smaller town not necessarily a small town it can get extremely boring. I've been to bigger cities and you have things that you can do every day but in a small town you'll run out of doing things in about two weeks. There isn't as much diversity if that's something you're looking for unless you go to a small town where the majority of people are minorities. But if you can get over that and you aren't really going out and doing a lot of things it wouldn't be that much of a change. It really just depends on how big of an emphasis you as a city person place on city life. Because if you're going out every weekend to a restaurant or to a park or something like that then you're probably going to get bored.


3 years ago

I doubt it. I live in Suburbia, USA basically but many of my family members (my parents, grandparents, etc.) came from larger cities and went to UCI, and San Bernadino. I think you should just do what's best for you, and if in the long run attending a smaller college is the best decision; do it!


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