3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Safety- John’s hopkins

Is John hopkins a relatively safe campus? I understand Baltimore has some pretty bad areas. (But most cities do). Just wondering how close these neighborhoods are to the campus. Any area to walk around safely off campus?


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Yeah, that is unfortunately the case with most cities. You just have to be careful, especially at night. Johns Hopkins also has a lot of safety protocols and procedures to help students, and they are very well-funded in this area. Take a look at what they say about it: https://security.jhu.edu/

Also see what students who go there are saying about the safety:


I hope this helps!

3 years ago

Yeah, I'd agree that it's just up to your personal preference of safety. Hope I didn't scare you earlier! JHU literally was a godsend for everything I wanted to do, so arriving at Baltimore and seeing the campus was the only thing that gave me hesitation. It is by no means a terrible area directly around campus and they have tons of security. There truly are some beautiful parts, especially inside Homewood past the gates and a street of Starbucks/B&N that are tourist friendly. If it's consolation, which helped my parents with their concerns, I had a cousin and kid at my school go to school right there in Baltimore, and they both totally were fine and loved it (one is at Hopkins right now). I think like moving anywhere, its just adapting... I had graduates from Princeton and Yale tell me that too... That being said, if you prefer something more secluded and safer, check out those options. This is something to consider with all colleges... For me, JHU could be in a lot worse area and I'd still go there in a heartbeat because of everything it has to offer! Don't cross off JHU over any rumors (especially academic those seem all outdated 100%), just check it out and decide for yourself if you can...

3 years ago

I toured John Hopkins and the tour guides were very honest and they did talk about how every few weeks there is some type of incident near campus or on campus. They do have the safety protocols that a lot of universities have but it is in a relatively bad area. So it's not the safest campus. But I feel like it also depends on where you were raised. If you were raised in a suburban area where he didn't really have any type of incidents then it's probably not what you consider safe. If you were raised in a more urban area then you might be used to that kind of thing. It really just depends on what you consider safe. There's a lot of campus security. But I feel like it also depends on where you were raised. If you were raised in a suburban area then it's probably not what you consider safe. If you were raised in a more urban area then you might be used to that kind of thing. It really just depends on what you consider safe.

3 years ago

Not as relevant but you need to find this out. You do not want to get robbed on campus. Pick grades but also pick safety.

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