3 years ago
School List Suggestions

I am 10th grader deciding what college

I would like to pursue a business administration major

eventually get my masters after undergraduate


preferably in Texas but not limited to

would like ivy league (rice)

I play soccer, volleyball, do debate, student government, business clubs, job

good chance of getting in

3.87 gpa

@oompaloompa3 years ago

Rice University isn't an Ivy Leage lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooo. There are only 8 Ivy League schools (and contrary to popular belief, Stanford isn't one): Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Columbia, Brown, Princeton, and Cornell.

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5 answers

3 years ago

Congrats on a great high school experience so far! If you're looking in Texas, Rice is definitely a great option; the campus is beautiful, the community is known for being supportive, and I hear it's a good place to participate in student government if you're interested in continuing with that. You can also probably find some great business internships in the Houston area. UT is also an awesome school and, financially, a smart choice if you qualify for in-state tuition. A good place to start as you build your college list might be to research which schools have strong business administration majors and/or good placement for graduate school.

3 years ago

I would say that you have a good chance at making it to top schools such as UT Austin and many of the Big10 schools. University of Michigan's Ross School of Business is an amazing school and I highly recommend it if you want an affordable but amazing business program

3 years ago

Let's just say cramming extracurriculars does NOT guarantee you admission for college.

But uhhhh, Texas A&M seems pretty good. UTexas Austin seems cool too.

3 years ago

It's a little tricky to build a balanced school list with only your GPA listed. However, that's what our chancing engine is for! You can input your information in your profile and then select for schools that offer undergraduate business programs.

In Texas, UT Austin and Rice are pretty elite options. SMU, Baylor, TCU, and Texas A&M are good options as well.

Unfortunately, most Ivy league schools don't offer undergraduate business majors. Upenn (Wharton) and Cornell are exceptions. Brown had an interesting concentration called "Business, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations," but they have discontinued it. (My understanding is that it's still possible to get a business education at Brown, but it's a little trickier than before.)

That said, if you're thinking about doing an MBA anyway, it's not so critical to do an undergraduate business administration major. You could go to any school and pursue a quantitative major like economics or statistics (or even a non-quant major in the social sciences or humanities), and then move on to a great business school later.

For our list of best undergraduate business programs, you can check out our blog post here: https://blog.collegevine.com/best-colleges-for-business-majors/

3 years ago

Technically Rice is not an Ivy League school, however it is a very good school. Baylor and UT are also excellent options. However for all these schools you will need a higher GPA to have a good chance of getting in. So try to improve your grades!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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