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4 years ago
School List Suggestions

School list suggestions

Hey. So I’m a rising freshman and I’m in a program that I’ll start in the fall that will let me get an associates degree while in high school so when I graduate I have a high school diploma and an associates degree. I think about college all the time and I would love some suggestions from someone other than google lol. Background that might help- I’m Hispanic, I live in NC but I’d rather be out of state anywhere in the US is fine, I will be taking a lot of ap classes and honors classes and knowing my work ethic I’ll probably make all A’s and a B in math like I always do, I come from a middle class family but at the time of college i will probably be living alone or with my boyfriend or my friend Natalie so something with financial aid would be fantastic, I want to go to law school and for pre-law I was thinking about criminal justice or psychology or sociology. Would love some help on this. Thanks!

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4 years ago

Since you are interested in law, pretty much any liberal arts type degree could be useful to you, but criminal justice is definitely a great major. Other programs you could consider besides the three you listed would be political science, history, english literature, or even business if you want to have your own law firm ever. Since these majors are offered at most schools, you will want to look more at the school overall and any specific advantages of the program could offer you at one school over another. Look aat demographics, environment, and extracurricular activities. Schools with great financial aid are definitley a good option, however staying in state will likely be cheaper regardless. If you do end up going out of state, I would recommend schools that have a thriving alumni network (many times employers will hire graduates from their alma mater, but some schools are better known for this than others), or schools in capital cities. UT Austin gives law and pre law students great access to political happenings because it is centrally located near government buildings, and this likley occurs in every state's capital. Additionally, if you spend the least amount of money you comfortably can for your undergrad degree, but still receive a high quality education and network effectively, you may be able to get into an even more competitive law school since many programs admit more students from other educational backgrounds than their own university's pre law program.

Best of luck!


4 years ago

Based on this article specifically number 3 you can be relitively not worried about majors and major in an area you would major in if your weren’t interested in law such as economics.

Therefore I’d suggest looking at schools that mostly have good financial aid assuming that’s a cornerstone factor. If there’s anything majors in the article you want to provide specific suggestions I’d be happy to.


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