3 years ago
School List Suggestions


Is American Musical and Dramatic Academy as bad as people say it is? I got accepted as a BA of General Theatre Arts student, and I'm trying to decide to go there. I heard about its reputation (ScAMDA) and now I'm a little worried.

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3 years ago

I don't know much about this school but reading some of the reviews from people who attended make it seem like it's not worth it. Obviously different people take away different things from programs so while some may have enjoyed it and found success after it seems like those people are the minority. It's also expensive for something that has an iffy reputation.

I'd recommend looking into attending a traditional 4 year school as it seems like AMDA is much more acting focused. If you are 100% sure theatre/acting is what you want to do it might be worth considering but I still think a traditional 4 year will be better. Instead of only learning how to become a practical actor like at AMDA, at a typical 4 year school you'll be able to learn more about the history and theory behind theatre and you will have chances to take other classes if you so choose.

🎤3 years ago

Thanks so much! I have heard bad things, too- but all from the 2010-2016 range. That's why I posted this instead of going with it- I was hoping for a recent alumni (2018-now) or current student to weigh in as well. I'm curious to see if they've improved at all. I'll keep your other advice in mind too. And I have- I was also accepted to Carthage College this morning!

3 years ago

Congrats on the acceptance - that's awesome! Unfortunately we don't have many people who are currently in college on the site, it's mostly students preparing to get into college. Hopefully someone sees this and can give you a more informed answer though. I think my opinion might be different if the school wasn't so expensive. It doesn't look like they offer great financial aid. and $160,000+ for 4 years is a lot of money especially with their reputation. If the money isn't a concern then maybe it's worth it for you. Something I would think about: if ScAMDA is part of their reputation and has you concerned, how do you think a professional director or casting agent will view the school? Ideally they would watch you audition and judge you based on your talent but if AMDA earned their reputation for a reason you could lose out on gigs solely because of your school and that would be unfortunate. Maybe check out sites like Reddit, College Confidential, or other forums and see if you can find more recent reviews. I managed to find some recent posts from 2018-2020 on those sites and it doesn't look like they've changed much sadly.

I'm not trying to be a downer here either. These are just my thoughts after looking into the school as a neutral 3rd party. But, if I knew someone close to me considering AMDA, what I've mentioned would be some of the concerns I would bring up to them. Having said that, they've managed to produce successful actors and actresses so maybe it can't all be bad.

🎤3 years ago

I get it, and once again - thanks! I haven't considered those sources, but I'll post on CC and ask about the recent reputation. The financial aid actually is a huge issue for me- thanks for bringing that up! Thanks for doing the extra research, and I'll keep looking into other conservatories. :)

3 years ago
🎤3 years ago

Not at all sick of you! Thanks! You've been so helpful. Good luck on your own college search, ma'am/sir/mx/whatever you prefer.

3 years ago

Thank you! I've been out of college for a while now and wish I had a resource like this when I was applying. Just trying to help out where I can!

🎤3 years ago

Oh! Well, thank you so much.


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