3 years ago
School List Suggestions

future major ministry major q's

hey there!

I am going into my senior year of high school this year and I want to pursue full-time ministry. I recently change my career path so this is a lot of me. I am from the PNW area and although I don't want to stay home from school, I also don't want to go too far from home. I want to go to school in the West (so ideally WA, OR, CA, and AZ would be about as far as I would want to go). I am considering schools like GCU, Multnomah, Corban, George Fox, Biola, Azusa Pacific, Cal Baptist, and the likes. Cost is a huge aspect for me. I am in this awkward position where my family makes enough income that I likely won't get any (or very little if I do) in grants, and although my parents will be contributing quite a bit, there is still a ton I need to contribute (as happens with most college students though haha). But a Christ-centered education is a priority for me. I don't want to go to a college that is a college and happens to also be Christian but a college that makes God and His Word the most important thing in everything that they do. (for reference I am a protestant Christian). I want to be surrounded by a faithful Christ-centered community during my time at school. And once I graduate, I want to go and make disciples and have the proper biblical knowledge to do so to the best of my abilities. So if anybody would be willing to share their wonderful input, I would so appreciate any of it. What school(s) would you most recommend and why? Whether it's something on this list (like which of these you would most recommend) or something not mentioned here at all, I would so appreciate any input at all.

Thank you so much! : )

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3 years ago

Hi there! It’s wonderful to see how passionate you are about a Christ-Centered education, and I have a strong feeling that admissions offices will pick up on that. This means you will probably be seen as a star applicant, and the colleges will want you. Thus, they will be more willing to offer scholarship packages to you.

This might also help:

I have been volunteering at a private Christin university in Eugene, Oregon. Actually, it’s one I highly recommend for their small class sizes and caring staff: Bushnell University. Anyways, after just a few weeks of working there, they saw my passion and preliminarily presented me with the possibility a scholarship package. Perhaps you could reach out to professors at your top universities and ask about working with them this fall. Additionally, Bushnell offers excellent financial aid, so I recommend you do some reading on it to see if it’s a good fit!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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