3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Applications and choosing schools

Hi! I am currently a rising senior and trying to get prepared for college admissions. This summer I got the opportunity to tour University of Virginia and University of North Carolina. I really enjoyed UVA and can see myself there in the future, so I definitely plan on applying there. Currently, my school list has 2 safeties, 4 targets, 2 hard targets and 1 reach. I feel like the ratio of this list is good but my issue is I haven't seen most of these schools and there are so many schools to choose from. Since the new school year is approaching and I won't have time to go view out of state campuses, how do I narrow down what schools to apply to? Do you guys have any advice on what to do to find what schools to apply to. I feel as though I have a fairly strong application (my test scores are average but I am taking the ACT again in September and I am hoping to raise it), but I don't want to apply to the wrong schools and then not have good options when the time comes to pick a college. Also, what is a good number of schools to apply to? I don't want to overwork myself but at the same time I would like a good amount of options. Thanks!

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3 years ago

Go to admissions webinars and watch virtual tours! Cost of attendance is also very important, so like someone else said, make a spreadsheet! Also looking at ratings on Niche.com helps a lot


3 years ago

Look at the programs each of those colleges offer. Look at cost of attendance and financial aid. Look at the climate/location of the school. Think about what you are wanting out of college.

After looking at all of that information, make a spreadsheet where you rank the schools based on the different categories. Use the spreadsheet to help you decide which colleges you REALLY want to go to. Don't bother applying to colleges you wouldn't want to attend (unless those are the only ones you think you would get into).

🎤3 years ago

Thanks for the help! A spreadsheet is a great way to get organized


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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