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4 years ago
School List Suggestions

Feel like i'm caught up in prestige. Need school suggestions

I'm from Michigan and not sure what major i'm gonna choose but leaning towards space engineering (or comp sci). Currently I have Umich, Michigan State, and then a bunch of ivys, elite privates, UCs. Does anyone have any suggestions for schools that could be good for my major because I have a too many prestigious schools and I feel like I need some other ones too. 3.97UW, 4.5W, 1540, Lots of ECs, IB Diploma.

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4 years ago

Something that helped me get my head out of the extremely prestigious world was the Princeton review’s the best 386 colleges book. All of the schools in the book still have some level of prestige/resources but it really helped me look out of my name brand box. Major specific wise, the list of great schools for comp sci/comp engineering from that book is as follows: Auburn, Boston u, Bradley u, brown u, cal tech, Carleton college, Carnegie Mellon, Champlain u, Clemson u, Drexel u, Florida state, George mason u, Georgia tech, Gonzaga u, Hampton u, Harvey mudd, Illinois tech, Iowa state, John’s Hopkins, Kettering u, Lehigh u, mit, Missouri u of science and tech, NJIT, Northeastern, northwestern, Oregon state u, Pennsylvania state u (university park), Princeton u, rice u, Rensselaer, Roanoke college, RIT, Rose-Hulman Tech, Seattle U, Stanford U, SUNY Binghamton, Texas A&M college station, Air Force, U of Arizona, UC Berkeley, LA, and Riverside, U of Illinois Urbana Champaign, U of Maryland Baltimore, U of Massachusetts Amherst, U of Michigan Ann Arbor, U of Washington, and Worcester Tech. I don’t know about space engineering, but that list could be a good start to look at. Also you might want to consider: the political climate of the school you’re looking at, the size of your school, racial/ethnic diversity, religion, sports, popularity of Greek life. Good luck!

🎤4 years ago

thank you so much this is very helpful!!


4 years ago

So assuming you want to be somewhat close to home and disregarding financial factors as thats something youd have to look into yourself some schools are

IUPUI Purdue Toledo IU Marquette EMU CMU UIC Minnesota UW Madison Pitt Akron Cincy OhioSt. Theres also some smaller schools such as Bradley ChicagoSt and the UW system schools like Whitewater LaCrosse etc

4 years ago

If you are interested in different reions of the county besides the eastern midwest I can list more

🎤4 years ago

yeah do you have any for the new england/mid-atlantic

4 years ago

For more safeties there’s Buffalo PennSt Drexel George Mason Rutgers Virgina Tech Binghamton UConn UMASS Amherst and Lowell UVT and Maine Orono to say nothing of the literally dozens of LACs notably Sienna. I’m a research school myself so can’t really talk about LACs. A target would be UVA and William and Mary


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