3 years ago
School List Suggestions

College Major

I am thinking of being a dermatologist or radiologist when I graduate from high school. What should my major be, and what are the best colleges to attend?

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3 years ago

Hi there @gabidemotte,

You actually don't have to pick a set major now since you're on the pre-med track! As long as you hit the necessary requirements to go to med school, you are on the proper path to pursue either of these careers. I'd recommend choosing a major in STEM like biology that will help you clear the credits you need to apply to med school, but you could really choose any major provided you hit the course requirements for the medical school you eventually wish to attend. You can get a more detailed explanation about the pre-medical path here!

Hope this helps :)


3 years ago

There are many majors that you can pick and get become a dermatologist or radiologist. These include biology, pre-med, chemistry, humanities, social sciences, math and statistics, biochemistry, physics and many more. A major in the science field will probably be the most helpful. I would recommend seeing what classes you like best in college. If there is a science class you really like, consider majoring in that field. You will get better grades if you are enjoying your classes.


3 years ago

Hey, I would suggest majoring in any type of biology or chemistry as that is the most common way to get into medical school.


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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