2 years ago
School List Suggestions

So do I have a shot at Upenn?

I am a junior in highschool and my dream school is Upenn. I would be out of state and would need financial aid. I got an above average not excellent test scores. I would like to go to Wharton business school. My extarriculars are below average. I did start a business though but its not very big. My gpa unweighted is 3.9, weighted is 4.3. What other things does Upenn want to see in applicants because this is my dream school and all my years in school have been used to work for this. Could I get in and what else do they look for?

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2 years ago

I know you want to figure out your chances, but this is not really the point of these posts. Use the chancing simulator, do research of what's expected for UPenn, etc. Upenn is an Ivy and extremely selective, so it's really difficult to get in and a 3.9 just gets your foot in the door, so it's your essays and EC's that get you in. Also, standardized tests are becoming less and less important, but if you really want to be strong in every regard I guess you could retake it. The business EC depends on the impact, but you also want other ECs and not just a single one (show that you're well rounded).


2 years ago

You have the GPA score required and starting a business is a really good EC. You would need your ACT score to be around a 34 according to Google or have an SAT score of 1570. Good luck!


2 years ago

What does the changing tool here say? That is a good place to start. Aside from that look at how much weight they put on certain application factors. For example how much could a good essay help you? A good recommendation letter? The changing tool can't account for those things so it's good to consider them. You said your EC's aren't great, is there a good reason for that? I'm assuming Upenn takes the holistic approach so thing about your profile as a whole. Your a junior so you also have time to retake the SAT if you think scoring higher could help you.


2 years ago

Did you take SATs/ACTs?

Business is a good extracurricular activity.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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