2 years ago
School List Suggestions

School Suggestions?

I am currently a junior in high school. I have a 4.0, a couple APs, and am in the top 10% of my class. Right now, I am interested in pursuing a major biology related and possibly premed. What mid sized/ large schools would you suggest that are fairly affordable, have strong STEM programs, and are in Mid-Atlantic/New England. Also, if possible, I would like to get merit aid, because I don't qualify for most need-based aid. I am not looking for the most prestigious school, I just want to get a good education affordably.

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2 years ago[edited]

I am not sure what your price range for tuition would be but I'll list some schools (all from mid-Atlantic states) that have great STEM programs and do not have crazy tuition!

Princeton University (NJ), Binghamton University (NY), University at Buffalo (NY), Stony Brook University (NY), University of Pennsylvania (PA), University of Pittsburgh (PA), Swarthmore College (PA), University of Virginia (VA), West Virginia University (WV), University of Delaware (DE), University of Maryland (MD), Rutgers University (NJ), Hunter College (NY). --- These are some that I have found to have good biology programs/stem programs and are relatively affordable! You can narrow down this list by doing research on each school and removing the ones that don't really interest you relating to things you find important in a university (diversity, student population, location).

As for getting aid for school, I suggest applying for scholarships! There are many scholarships that you will find online from websites that make it easy to apply and even find specific ones! Here are some websites: https://www.scholarships.com/ (I really recommend this one as they have categories for specific scholarships like your graduating year, your grades, your hobbies, your family background, etc!) --- https://bold.org/

Good luck with your remaining time at high school and your college applications!


2 years ago

Hi @help!

I'd definitely recommend trying out our chancing engine and "find schools" feature. It'll help you find schools that not only align with your preferences (which you'll fill out in a survey), but also tailor your recommendations towards creating a balanced school list (based on your specific profile).

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


2 years ago

If you identify as a female I suggest Barnard!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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