3 years ago
School List Suggestions

School Suggestions - Nursing

Does anyone have any school suggestions for someone planning on majoring in nursing?

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3 years ago

It entirely depends! Do you want to be close to home? Does the location of the school not have a large matter of importance? Do you want specific aspects the school has in terms of extracurriculars? I know that personally, I wanted to stay closer to home for college, so I was looking for schools with my specific degree within a couple of hours of where I currently live. However, if that doesn't matter, there are many schools with great nursing programs, and they are not all four years schools. I know that many county schools have programs to begin your degree there and transfer your credits into a bigger 4-year school. However, schools with good nursing programs (which vary across the US greatly)are: Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, UCLA, Emory University, The University of Texas at Austin, University of Flordia, Columbia University, and plenty more.


3 years ago

Hello! I would suggest Johns Hopkins University, Duke University, University of Washington, and George Mason University. They all have great programs and transfer credits! I do not plan on becoming a nurse myself, but I am in the healthcare field. Try volunteering at a hospital and see if you can speak to any nurses (Senior nurses specifically they have the most experience) about what schools they went to. I do not know what state you are in so results may very on if the school is prestigious and gives you hands on learning. If you have the opportunity, be a CNA first. Otherwise, good luck!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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