2 years ago
School List Suggestions

What are the best school for major in fashion business, fashion marketing or fashion merchandising??

In US or UK

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2 years ago

If you are interested in a fashion, I recommend you to consider the fashion institute of technology in New York, this institute offers a number of fashion programs for aspiring designers of all kinds.In addition to other things that you can discover by researching, apart from that, the New York environment is perfect for someone in the fashion world.


2 years ago


1)Known by some as the MIT of the fashion world, the Fashion Institute of Technology offers programs in fashion design, business, marketing, illustrating, and styling.

2)Part of the University of the Arts London (UAL), Central Saint Martins offers programs in fashion, textile, and jewelry design. Partially government-funded, 3)Central Saint Martins is accessible to talented students from all social spheres and offers a world-class teaching staff, including international fashion figures such as Professor Louise Wilson.

3)The London College of Fashion stands out for its wide range of fashion courses. The school offers not only fashion design courses, but also fashion marketing, journalism, buying and merchandising as well as programs in beauty, cosmetic science, fashion curation and criticism, and even courses specializing in footwear and accessories.

4)Pratt Institute, New York, NY

In my opinion, you should aim for FIT as it is known to be one of the best fashion institutes in the world.


2 years ago

There are quite a few! I'll list some of them and their location.

USA: Fashion Institute of Technology (NY), Parsons The New School (NY), Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (LA), Savannah College of Art and Design (GA), Drexel University (PA), LIM College (NY)

UK: London College of Fashion, University of Winchester, Central Saint Martins, School of Design at Royal College of Art, De Montfort University


2 years ago

fashion institute of technology! (FIT) 10/10 recommend


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