2 years ago
School List Suggestions


For college students: how much has the location of your school mattered to you?

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2 years ago

If you are looking to take advantage of niche opportunities, then location can be the most important factor in your decision about where to go to college. To use my own experience as an example, I chose Georgetown University over other schools because I wanted to explore careers related to foreign policy, politics, and language. DC gave me unparalleled access to those fields, and it ended up giving me the perfect balance between an urban adventure and an environment that was not too overwhelming.

If you do not have an interest that revolves around a particular location, then location does not have to be a huge factor in your decision. Many other cities could have given me the balanced semi-urban environment that DC gave me, and in any case, it was the friends I made during college that really made the experience special. Hope this helps!


2 years ago

Personally due to me bouncing around so much due to military I realized that I don't really have a preference for where my college will be at although I do look into it. I prefer to be close by my friends so recently I've been looking at close area's around where they are, but also looking at what would be in my favor. I find it better if you're going to pursue something at a college atleast have a good program and good environment so that you're still getting the best education possible.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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