3 years ago
School List Suggestions

what major should I go for since I want to become a Physician?

I am playing on starting college in the fall semester

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@sana163 years ago

Hi there, you can major in whatever you want. What ever you want to major in you can, you just need to make sure you complete the classes needed to take the MCAT and the classes needed for med-schools. Biology is a common major because you will get most/all of these classes in a bio major, but colleges like seeing that you did something different. Basically, you can major it whatever interests you, just make sure you get all the classes for the pre-med track in! Hope this helps.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

You can major in anything you'd like, since the classes that will prepare you for med school will mainly be your pre-med classes. I recommend majoring in something that you are truly interested in - this way, your passion will carry you through your major classes and you will have more bandwidth to focus on your pre-med track. Think about your long-term direction in healthcare too - for example, taking a few business classes could help you later on if you decide to pursue that side of medicine.

This CollegeVine blog post has some more advice that help you decide on your major. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Hi, thank you for asking your question. I completely agree with Alex on this one. You can ultimately choose to major in whatever you want in undergrad. The trick is to find a major that is 1) you're passionate about and 2) can help you create a strong application for medical school. For example, it is totally possible to major in English and apply to medical school, however your coursework will be doubled because you will be taking courses to fulfill your English major and courses to fulfill "pre-med" requirements. This many leave you with less time to do other important parts of your application building including shadowing, clinical volunteering, medical research, etc.

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