3 years ago
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If I earn an associate's degree when I graduate high school, would I be count as Junior in college?

I am a graduating 2022 senior with an associate degree. I am confused whether if I would be a freshman or a Junior.

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@chloe.m3 years ago

I think it varies for schools, but I'm in the same situation as you! I'm trying to graduate with my associate's (I'm currently an HS sophomore) and I've just started looking into colleges. From what I have seen, a lot of colleges still consider you a first-year student, but also be careful because some out of state colleges don't accept certain credits.

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3 answers

3 years ago[edited]

If you received your associate’s degree before you graduated from high school then you still apply as a freshman since you are coming out of high school. If you earned your associate’s after you graduate high school you will apply as a transfer student and it'll be ya know sophomore, junior, etc. Either way you are going into college with 60 hours and it will likely only take you 2–2.5 years to earn your bachelor’s degree if wanted, but ultimately it depends on how many credits you have. Hope that helps :)

3 years ago

It depends on the school, I'm also earning my associate's in high school and I've found some schools consider you a first-year unless you have above a certain amount of credits. As an example, I'll be applying to UNC-Chapel Hill as a transfer because they consider anyone with over 30 credits a Junior.

3 years ago

This depends on the major you want to pursue and the college you want to go to. First, you need to ask the colleges that you want to apply to if they accept transfer credits or what type of classes or levels (100, 200, or 300 level classes). Some colleges can provide you with a sheet of the classes you will need to take for your major. Just take note it may be harder to see how or what credits transfer if you apply to an out-of-state college. Additionally, your major is also important. Some majors require you took take the standard specified years regardless of how many credits you can transfer. For example, a major in architecture is tricky with transfer credits. There are architecture related classes that are required for each five years of a Bachelor's of Architecture, BArc. It is good to note that even if you can not knock out a year, you could possibly knock out a lot of classes.

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