3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Narrowing down my list??

I’m narrowing my college list right now and here’s what I have:


- Princeton 25% (will be higher once I add some more ecs)

- Swarthmore 26% (^^ same)


- Vanderbilt 37%

- Rice 30%

- CMU 63%

- Wakeforest 69%


- RIT 98% (but im thinking of their 5 year PA program which is really really competitive)

- USF 94%

I’m thinking of doing cognitive science as a major (which is offered at Princeton, Swarthmore, and CMU) or something neuroscience related. Im particularly interested in CMU because of the variety of courses they have (combined science & art degrees) and Swarthmore because of the peaceful environment, closeness to NYC, and the ability to have two minors (im thinking of minoring in CS and Japanese). They’re sooo expensive tho :(

(I should mention that i plan on becoming a physician assistant after graduation and then doing UX design related stuff on the side which kinda needs a design aspect / CS background)

I’m kinda tryna narrow down my list to 1 reach, 2-3 targets, and 1 safety’s. What suggestions do you guys have? I’ve taken a healthy mix of liberal arts classes and also rigorous stem classes so I think I have an ok shot at most of these. I’ll retake the act (I made a 33) and aim for at least a 35 this time.

Any careers you all suggest instead?? Im thinking of pa since I have an interest in medicine & they get paid a decent amount which would allow me to explore other things on the side (graphic design, animation, etc). Is that stupid ??? Should I just go into a dual-degree PA program and not bother with the cog science degree? Is it worth spending 60k+ a year for a degree that I’m only using to help me get into the med field? What should I do? I’m so lost

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3 years ago

Hi! I know you’re asking for suggestions to narrow down your list but I actually think that your list is pretty good right now (imo anywhere between 6-8 schools or a bit more is a good rule of thumb). Also, majoring in cognitive science or neuroscience is a great idea for your future career path. For UX design having a background in CS should be enough and maybe you can take some art classes or minor in art on the side. But if you’re really into art you could also double major in cog sci and art…which would quite exhausting. So, I would recommend majoring in cog sci/neuroscience and getting a certificate or minor in human computer interaction instead (which Northwestern has btw).

Anyways I think your ideas are not stupid at all, you might just want to narrow down on exactly what you want to do or just apply for different majors across different colleges. I would say go for the dual degree PA program but apply for cog sci or neuroscience at the other colleges you’re applying for.

Hope this helped :)

🎤3 years ago[edited]

Thank you!! I’m trying to narrow down my list because the only schools my mom approves of / is saying she would pay for are Princeton and the elites (Vanderbilt, rice, etc). Only Princeton has the course I want but it’s very competitive and even though I have a strong academic background (all As, 7 APs), I don’t think I’m emotionally ready for the stress. I honestly just got interested in Swarthmore Bc I saw an email from them and the environment seemed so peaceful and welcoming (especially towards women of color)


3 years ago

This looks pretty good to me! Can I ask how you decided Vanderbilt to be a target school when they only have about a 10% acceptance rate? I have been looking into colleges lately and right now my top choice is Vanderbilt so I would love anything you have to say!

🎤3 years ago[edited]

I just put in my extracurriculars which are starting a POC steam organization, self learning a new language, volunteering with children for 3 years, working as a tutor for 2, creating a short visual novel based on my interest in neuroscience, etc into the collegevine thingy. Also, I’ve taken the act (made a 33) but am going to retake & superscore to hopefully get a 35+. I’m also planning to have 6 APs, 2 honors, and 4 college/dual credit classes by the time I graduate. After putting all of that in, collegevine put me at about a 40% for Vanderbilt 😭😭 very hard target but a target none the less. I’m also a black female so they might have taken that into consideration too

3 years ago

Wow that's an amazing extracurricular list. I'm a sophomore but my extracurricular list is struggling and I'm starting to panic about it. Right now I have learning ASL, working with kids with special needs for 4 years (it will be 6 when I graduate), National Honor Society, and Orchestra. I will also have quite a lot of Dual Credit Classes, right now I have about 15 credits and I will be taking a lot more. I am also planning to have 6-8 AP classes once I finish senior year. I've been using collegevine and it's saying I have about a 19% chance, but I also haven't taken the SAT yet. Vanderbilt has the exact program I am looking for so right now it's my top choice. I'm going to be working very hard to improve my applications before I have to apply. I think you will do great no matter where you go, but I wish you luck at getting into whichever school you want to go to. I hope you aren't basing all of your decisions off of what your mom says, but no judgement either way.

🎤3 years ago

I think working with special needs kids and learning ASL are very interesting extracurriculars. If you build on that by doing something impressive with it, you could have a higher chance at getting into Vanderbilt. After looking at the number of people who are getting rejected from their dream colleges even after taking 15+ APs, interning with Google, winning film competitions, etc, I’ve begun to realize that colleges aren’t really looking for “perfect students”. They’re just looking for interesting/unique ones.

3 years ago

Thank you! Yeah I have been looking into it and it seems that it might be better to have a few extracurriculars that you're really passionate about and just continue to build on them and develop them so that they are really strong.


3 years ago

This seems like a good list! Maybe remove a target school and add a safety that you like and would want to go to and these schools will likely give you merit scholarships (I am going to one of my safety schools because they offered me a great scholarship and have programs I love) Best of luck!

🎤3 years ago

Bc I’m moving to Florida this summer and already have 100+ volunteer hours and 29+ on my act, I’d get a full ride to USF Bc of their Florida academic/medallion/whatever scholarship that covers full tution and others. However ... I don’t know if their programs would be as good as me going anywhere else on my list


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