3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Looking for suggestions for targets & safeties

Hi everyone :) I’m a current sophomore looking for some schools to start thinking about & maybe tour!


- White, middle-class female from Pennsylvania

- Mid-sized public high school, top 20 in the state


I’m looking to eventually go into law & probably major in polisci for undergrad


- I had a pretty rough freshman year, but have an upper trend in my GPA (all GPAS are weighted, school doesn’t show uw)

- Freshman year: 3.36

- Sophomore year so far: 4.2

- Total: 3.5

- PSAT: 650 english & 560 math (didn’t study, aiming for at least a 1400 on the SAT bc I’m a good test taker)


- Freshman year: Honors English, Biology, and Civics, Algebra 2/Trig

- Sophomore year: Honors English, Chemistry, and World History, AP Human Geography, Precalculus

- Junior year: Honors Physics, AP Lang, US History, Psych, and Calculus AB


- Honors roll sophomore year

- Model UN “chairman’s choice award”


- Model UN

Since sophomore year, Vice President starting next year

- Youth & Government

Since sophomore year, Gold committee chair 2021-2022 school year, running to be legislative president next year

- Key club & Spanish Club

Since sophomore year

- Job as a cashier in foods

Since March 2021

- Basketball

From 2016 to 2021

Rec from 2016-early 2018 & 19-20 season

Travel from 2017-18

Middle school JV in 2018-19 season

High school manager in 2020-21 season

- Golf

JV team 2020 season

- Summer 2015 - made bracelets at summer camp to donate to the humane society

- Summer 2018 - 2 week trip to Guatemala where I helped at an orphanage

- Winter & Spring 2021 - volunteering with key club


Looking for something that’s:

- In a city!!! (preferably a large one)

- Medium-Large student body

- Good academics

- East coast, California, Minnesota, Texas, or Illinois


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4 answers

3 years ago

Put all of the information you just typed out into your CollegeVine profile, go Schools > Find Schools. For the filters, go to State and select the states you're interested in, go to Major/program and type in then select "Political Science." Next, go to All Filters, and under Location, you should see Campus Setting. Select "Urban." Also in All Filters will be a section labeled "Student," and you can click on Total undergraduate students and set it to a preferable number. If you are looking for Target or Safety schools, go to Admissions difficulty, and select Target and Safety. You seem to be a very accomplished student and individual so I'm sure you will have no problem getting into nearly any college of your choosing!

3 years ago

A good rule of thumb I find when picking a target school is choosing a school with a general acceptance rate of 20% or more. Personally, my GPA un-weighted is a 3.67 and I have taken 17 honors/ AP courses total, and for me my ideal target school has a general acceptance rate of about 30%, and a safety school has an acceptance rate of 50% or more. NYU is a great tough-target school- it has a 21% acceptance rate, is in a city, and it has renowned academics. California state universities could be something else to consider as a safety, because often state universities have cheaper tuition while still maintaining challenging academics. I hope this helps!

3 years ago[edited]

Keep in mind you can generally only include extracurriculars that you did in highschool. If you’re a sophomore, some of that stuff you did in 2015-2018 isn’t gonna matter to colleges. With that being said, I think your profile still looks pretty strong :)

3 years ago

Thanks very much

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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