2 years ago
School List Suggestions


hello everyone! I am currently entering my junior year of high school and last semester, I did not perform as well as I wanted to with 3 a's and 3 b's. I took two a levels this year, achieving an A in one and a B in the other. freshman year, I had a perfect 4.0. next year, I am going to be taking ap government, ap microeconomics, international relations A, and french 4 A. I will be doing student council, youth and government, speech team, and newspaper. in freshman and sophomore year, I was a president of a volunteering club at my school, as well as the vice president of public relations of that club. I am in french honors society. And next year, I will be eligible for national honors society, mu alpha theta, rho kappa, and national speech and debate honors society. I have also been on the gold honor roll (the highest honor roll at my school) I am considering to study psychology in my under graduate and I hope to follow the pre-law track. Am I on the right track currently? Am I planning my classes and extracurriculars well? I want to try to make up for the b's in my last semester with the weighted classes. My current gpa is a 3.94 (weighted) and I will be attempting to increase it in my Junior Year.

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2 years ago

You are on the right track when it comes to your classes - making up for a few b's with more rigor is a great idea. In general, colleges want to see that you are taking the most rigorous course load available to you. Make sure that your proposed course list includes all the APs you can possibly take while maintaining a high weighted GPA.

As for your extracurriculars, I think that you could use a few that specifically relate to psychology and law. Ideally, these ECs will have a tangible impact on a community outside of school, e.g. your local, regional, or national communities. This list has some ideas. Hope this helps!


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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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