2 years ago
School List Suggestions

How do I choose where to go to school?

I'm a junior in high school and I've started thinking about where I want to go. I have a 3.8 GPA and I made a 26 on the ACT my first time. I still have to take the SAT. I've been thinking about where to go to college and part of me wants to stay in my state but another part of me wants to go somewhere else. The only thing I'm worried about is being far away from my family and the out-of-state tuition costs. I live in the South, and I don't want to be too far away from my family in case anything happens, but as I said, I also want to see new things.

Stay in State
Go Out of State
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2 years ago

Hi Nesta! I am also currently a Junior in High School and I have come across the same issues you've been thinking about as well. My biggest piece of advice is this; college should be an experience that you get to manage, control, and manifest. So by that, I mean that you should do what will benefit you the most, what will help you achieve the goals you want to achieve post-college, and what is the most practical for your situation. My last little hint of advice is this; your family will be there for you wherever you go and whatever you do. While it's important to consider them and their location when looking at colleges, don't let it deter you from doing what you think is best!

🎤2 years ago



2 years ago[edited]

Depends but go for whichever benefits you most! There's a lot of different things to keep in mind though. First and one of the most important things to think about is cost. Out of state will cost more, but if you are able to get scholarships, out of state may be affordable/not as expensive. I'd also say it depends on what you want in a college. For example, some students really care about prestige. If a college in your state matches up with what you want and need from a college, I'd say go in state.

Finding a college that's far away but close enough to home can be a bit hard. I think finding a college you can drive to from your state might be a good idea. If it takes a few hours to drive to the school, then it'll be far enough to give you a new adventure while still being close to home!

🎤2 years ago

Okay, thanks!


2 years ago

I would go out of state! Even if it is a state that is close to where you live now it will be nice to expand your horizons and meet new people and explore on your own a little. College is the time to experiment and accept change and see what you like and don't like and experience new things. The best way to do this is to go out and get some independence and if you need help from your family they will always be a phone call away. If you are worried about money then look at schools that will give you scholarships. With a 3.8 GPA and a 26 on the ACT you will definitely get some scholarship offers. The important thing is to go somewhere that fits what you want and where you are happy living and learning.

🎤2 years ago

Okay, thank you! That really helps!


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SAT: 720 math
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