2 years ago
School List Suggestions

What Major Should I Choose?

I am very interested in performing arts currently. However, I would also like to pursue job oppurtunities in other categories, such as buisness and international affairs. How do I choose a major that will be beneficial to my future and that I can enjoy?

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2 years ago

you could always double major in bussines and whatever perfomrming art you plan to do. for example majoring in music and bussines could help you fucos on bussiness in the music industry. i love performing arts as well and am planning on double majoring in PR and music. music and songwriting have been my passion for a long time and i would love to pursue them but PR also facinites me. i hope to possiblly reach the goal of either songwriting for a living or becoming part of the pR team for an entertainment company.


2 years ago

Hey!! Think to yourself, is this something I am

a) confident I will do well in?

b) something I am interested in?

c) something I want to do for a while?

Also! If you speak any other language, being a business translator would be interesting (I just figured that might be interesting for you as you mentioned an interest in international affairs)! In that case, look into majoring in a couple languages; I know someone who did that!


2 years ago


Well only YOU know what you’re truly passionate about, but it is wise to look deeper into your future, and ask questions. Such as, is this what I want to do for my whole life, which major will open a door for a good paying job, also, will I enjoy working in this major, is it my number ONE passion. These are important to ask yourself because if you look along your life’s path and see if the certain major would benefit most in your life, and if you’ll enjoy it as your passion then you’ll know that that’s the best major to choose!


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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