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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Sophomore with a dream.

Hi, I'm just a sophomore at a small school. I don't really associate with people nor have the opportunity to have financial help. However, I want to get head start on my dreams so I'm looking into scholarships. I know that most people who get them are smart beyond compare, and yes I have decent grades too. But what's most valued to me is my dream. I have hope for my future that one day once I graduate from college I can help abused children all around the United States. Most people would call me irrational, a dreamer, or even just someone playing a superhero. Though, to what I see I'm just a girl from a small school who wants to take children out of unthinkable situations, get them out, and ensure for myself that they are safe. And all this I dream to do without the corruptions of the world polluting the path paved for the bright, innocent kids who deserve a future just as any other. And with this being said I choose to be a Child Abuse Counselor.

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3 years ago

That's amazing! It sounds like you have a lot of passion for this topic, and it certainly is an admirable prospect. I am a firm lover of altruism, and it brings me so much joy that young people are discovering its beauty! I highly recommend looking into ways that you can kindle this passion young-- don't wait until college to explore! Look into local volunteer opportunities and see if you can find some related to your interest. Also look into the organization UNICEF, and if you don't already have a dedicated club at your school, start one! We have a very successful club at my school, and there are over 30 kids who actively throw drives, fundraisers, and spread awareness. Plus, the more leadership and drive you demonstrate, the more likely you are to receive scholarships from colleges.

In regards to other scholarships, look into I have encountered many dedicated to youth interested in social work and related fields, mental health awareness, and generosity/altruism that may be right up your ally.

Best of luck to you! <3


3 years ago

hi! it's very admirable that you have planned to take your life in a humanistic direction, and i think more people should take action as you have! there's a lot of ways to get scholarship money, such as essay contests, general scholarship websiters (you can find with a quick google), or you can use your karma that you have accumulated and enter it into collegevine's scholarships! it's free, and all you have to do is be active in the community! otherwise, maybe starting a gofundme? if you continue to get good grades colleges may offer you money, too! good luck, i hope you get to go to your dream school :)


3 years ago

this is great!! i think it's amazing you want to do this, its extremely unfair and unjust how much abuse and bad situations children are put through, and that almost nothing is done to help!! i wish you luck from a fellow sophomore :) (p.s., remember any kind of scholarship counts, so apply for as many as possible, big or small!!)


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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