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3 years ago
School List Suggestions

What's the best way to start building your college list?

I am a rising junior in high school and I'm having a little trouble building my college list. I'm not really sure where to start and how to know if you like the colleges you're looking at. Basically what I'm asking is, how do you start building your list and how do you know if you like a school or not?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hey, so for me I focused on the school environment, programs and special features. For example, if you know some things you want to major in ,focus on school that provide those programs, then from there you can look at the student life. Is it a big school with a lot of school activities or a smaller school with more academic challenges? Look around and see which one you are drawn to. Also, I like to look at certain features like if they have study abroad, internships/ Co-Ops, or accelerated degrees (like getting a bachelors and master's together for only 5-6 years). Honestly just browse around and see what you are drawn to and visit some in person to get a feel of the atmosphere.

Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Honestly visiting colleges is probably the best way to get a feel for what you like and from there you can look for colleges similar. Look at rankings for your major as well. You can use CollegeVines chancing to make sure the school is a reasonable choice for you. Also check the interests tab on CollegeVine. Then just try to visit a lot of them and narrow the list.

3 years ago

Hey there,

My advice would be to start out by asking yourself what you like about high school currently (small class sizes, the type of people, the rigor of coursework.) Then, use your answer(s) to search colleges based on those criterion.

Hope this helps

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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