2 years ago
School List Suggestions

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hi! I'm entering my junior year and I want to study psychology in college and follow the pre-law track. I am a part of honors societies at my school, but I want to start applying for awards. what awards and programs should I apply to that relates to psychology in some way? at school, I am in youth and government, speech team, my school's newspaper, and my school's video announcements. writing is one of my favorite things, and I could try to get some of my work published? I am doing youth and government as an attorney because that ties into the goal of a law career in the future. I am doing speech team because I like public speaking and it allows me to be creative. I am doing newspaper because that is how I feel I can express myself the best. and I am doing the video announcements because it allows me to be creative and includes public speaking. I am taking two ap classes next year, and two honors classes. I took two honors classes my sophomore year, and I am planning to take around four ap classes senior year. I was the president of a club at my school relating to animal welfare and advocacy. I was also the vice president of public relations for that club and another club. I also am self-studying Spanish and Italian. how can I show that I am focusing on psychology more this year? how can I form my spike? please let me know, thank you :)

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2 years ago

Hi! If your school has a center for students to recharge and rest during the day (the one at my school is called the wellness center), you could see if they need any helpers. My school has a youth committee, but I'm not sure about others.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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