2 years ago
School List Suggestions


Hey!! I’m in a household where I’m having to pay for my college experience. I am in need of as many scholarships as possible and it would mean a lot if anyone has any information, tips or tricks!!

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2 years ago[edited]

There are SO many options for scholarship opportunities (I am in the same exact boat!). Here are just a few recommendations for you to check out!

1. Check with your guidance office and see if counselors know of any local/private scholarships. Some schools offer scholarship newsletters or have lists of scholarships available to their students. This is the most effective/easiest way to find scholarships, and can give you access to less-known local scholarships that you have a better chance of winning.

2. Scholarship websites (bold.org, scholarships.org, etc.) There are a LOT of websites that offer many private scholarships, big and small. Make sure to use only legitimate sites and apply to as MANY as you possibly can. Focus your time on scholarships that have essays that appeal to your passions and interests (the more passionate your writing, the better the shot of winning!) Also, I suggest looking into RaiseMe, which is a website that offers micro-scholarships for several different schools.

3. Look into schools that offer significant need-based or merit-based aid (if you qualify for either). There are many schools that also have full-tuition scholarships that can be applied for.

The best advice I can give: spend A LOT of your time on essay scholarships, applying to as many as you possibly can. In addition, apply to schools that have the greatest chance of offering you grants, enabling you to cover the remaining tuition with your private scholarship money.

🎤2 years ago

Thank you!


2 years ago

To find and apply to scholarships I use the scholarship.com website.Which finds a variety of scholarships available and connects you with them. And I also use bold.org which also helps you find and apply for scholarships depending on your perefences.Then when a scholarship is an essay scholarship you can use collegevine website to have someone on this website check it for free.Or hire a professional to check it for you.Gook luck.

🎤2 years ago

Thank you so much!


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