2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Where to finish

Im an incoming senior in high school class of 2023 I've done pretty good my 3 years of high school but I want to finish off stronger then ever how do I do so

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2 years ago

Hi @Analia.2005! I too will be entering my senior year this fall! What has helped me to improve my GPA over the course of three years was doing khan academy lessons for better understanding. Khan Academy is free. Furthermore, at my school I have opportunities to do retakes on quizzes. So, I also do not settle for low grades because those can bring down your average in that class. Additionally, you should keep doing your EC's and whatever else you do outside of academics.

🎤2 years ago

Thank you so much so taking time for khan, retakes on quizzes noted


2 years ago

Hey! I will also be a senior in the fall! I would recommend keeping up the grades and making sure to focus on your study and insure that you can put the best grades possible on college applications. Make sure you are also continuing your extracurriculars as you likely have been doing throughout high school. If there are more groups available in your school and community that you have an interest in joining that would also be great. Another thing, think about doing some volunteer work throughout the year and maybe even this summer as well. But, also make sure you have fun too, it is your senior year of high school go enjoy it!


2 years ago

Hey! Entering your last year of high school, you should polish off your ECs and try to get as many A's as possible. Most seniors aiming for prestigious colleges usually take at least 2 or 3 APs senior year if their school offers them. Also, if you have good time management and have extra time on your hands, consider adding more to your volunteering experiences or get a job. Ideally, to get into top schools, you want a 3.9UWGPA or better. If you want to try dual enrollment at your local community college you can see if the sign ups are still available. Lastly, you should devote some time to making your college applications and essays as great as you can. If you're a possible sports recruit, start emailing the university coaches. You should also start preparing for college interviews. Good luck!

🎤2 years ago

My community college does do that so I will look into that thank you


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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